Meltdown Friday
Curtis had a meltdown just about 1:00 PM, nothing major but
still a meltdown. He was getting audio books off his shelves to take
back to the library when they all fell (he keeps them neatly stacked and
organized) and well, that's all she wrote! :( He came back
downstairs and he sat back down at the table so we could continue
school, he did 2 quick assignments and then came the tears. He got one
of his squishy things out and proceeded to 'beat' it on the table and
squeezing it so hard that it deflated. This of course made him more
upset. Then he did something he has never done before; he started
banging his head on the table! Our table is made of tiles, you know
like what you would put on a kitchen wall, their HARD.
I asked him to stop but he continued. He done this about 8 times, not super hard, but hard enough you could hear it.
This is a new experience for me. I have seen other kids on the spectrum
do this, but never him! It kinda scares me. We are still kinda knew
to the whole concept of him having Asperger's and being on the spectrum, so
I am still a little lost.
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