We had a long day today!
Left early this morning (mainly to miss the traffic) and so Curtis could go get his chicken biscuit from Hardee's. Curtis had an appointment at the behavioral therapist at 10:00 and we were a half hour early!! The appointment was an hour long as usual and Curtis had to show all of his Squinkies to his therapist. He has 25 now! I will post a picture later. We talked for a bit and then set up his next appointment. At that point I went out to the waiting room while Curtis and L (his therapist) had their session. They mainly play a game or talk about his last few weeks or something that I may have told her about, any meltdowns or other things.
After the therapist appointment we went to pay the Internet bill <rolling my eyes> which is always a hassle. They have messed up on the bill so many time in the past year, it isn't funny. After paying that we went to have lunch (I was starving by this point, no breakfast for me because of meds I took early in the AM) at a new restaurant in Blacksburg, VA called Cookout! Curtis wanted bar-b-que ribs, but I told him they didn't have those, only pulled bar-b-que on a bun. Well he wanted that, big mistake!! I order two bar-b-que dinners/combo meals that come with 2 sides!!! I could not believe that and a drink. So we get our food and Curtis does NOT like the bar-b-que. LOL I knew he wouldn't like it. I ended up ordering him a burger, he LOVED that!! So after lunch we were off to the toy and health food store (Annie Kay's and Imaginations). Picked up some more sprouting seeds for the chickens and a few other things that we needed.
After finally getting out of Blacksburg, we went to the Salvation Army store and bought some yarn, they had 2 tote boxes full of yarn. The lady there gave Curtis a sheet cake that came from the day old bakery stuff at Food Lion. We will have that for dessert tonight. :) After that we went to get baby chick food and then to my mom and dad's house and finally HOME!!!
Tomorrow we will get school done before taking Sugar to the vet, her appointment is at 3:30, so we will need to leave around 2:30 to try to avoid the buses. Not sure what time school lets out, so I HOPE we miss them.
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