Well it's been a while, a LONG while!!
We have been busy with school, life and everything in between.
We finished up school last year in like mid-July and planned to start back in September, but my daughter had a bad accident and was in the hospital and rehab from September 3, 2015 to November 21, 2016. It's a long road ahead, but she is doing great.
Week in ICU |
Getting back to her old self. |
So school had been put on hold for a bit and we finally got the 2015 - 2016 school year started in January.
We also found out in 2015 that Curtis DOES indeed have Dyslexia along with Dysgraphia, Dyspraxia and Dyscalculia. I am really glad that we finally got a REAL diagnosis so that our county school administrators can understand why Curtis does not work at his grade level per his age.
Wow, what else happen in 2015??? A lot really, but those were the 2 main events. :)
Lets see, what else has been happening???
We started raising rabbits, a few different breeds basically. We are raising a meat breed, New Zealand and Californian (they will be mixed) and then we raising a pet breed, Harlequin and Dutch mixed with Mini Lops and Rex, basically a mutt meat breed or pet. :)
These are the meat rabbit breeders: These were all FREE!!!!
Momma New Zealand White Doe |
Sister 2 (Little Sister) New Zealand White Doe |
Daddy (Buddy) Our New Zealand Buck |
Sister 1 (Big Sister) New Zealand White Doe |
Cali Our Californian Doe |
Sister 3 (Little Bit) New Zealand Doe |
We got our first 6 the weekend of Easter, actually the day before. These were all free with cages, feeders, food, water bottles, everything.
Then we got 2 more with some bartering. Got a momma Dutch and one of her offspring, a little buck that is Dutch and Harlequin mixed. Then we got 2 more little does that are Dutch/Mini Lop and Rex mixed. Can't wait for babies this spring.
Bunnicula Our Dutch/Harlequin Buck |
All the Rages Dana "Cocoa" Dutch Doe |
Tangerine Dutch/Mini Lop/Rex Doe |
Cup Cake Dutch/Mini Lop/Rex Doe |
Of course we ended up with one litter already from Momma and Buddy on 8/18/15, she had 7 kits and they were all wonderfully healthy. We ended up keeping 3 of them. Here is one of the babies. They are 6 months old now.
This is Bow/Bo one of the 3 that we are keeping. |
Let's see what the next few months bring. :)
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