Sunday, March 6, 2016

Chicks, Chicks, and MORE Chicks

Been an eggciting weekend.  

Red Star
We bought 3 chicks on Thursday evening at the NEW local True Value store, they are called Red Star and they are all 3 pullets.

All 3 Red Star's

Friday I had to take my daughter grocery shopping, and we ended up stopping at the local Southern States to see what kind of chicks they had. Well I ended up purchasing 6 Black Sex-Link Chicks and 1 Buff Orpington, all pullets.

Black Sex-Link

Buff Orpington
Went back to True Value and got 3 more chicks, 2 were Partridge Rock and the other one is an Ameraucana, all pullets.

Partridge Rock

Then we were off to Tractor Supply for more chicks, our meat birds or so I had hoped.  When we got there, they were ALL SOLD OUT! :(  So I thought I would just go ahead and get some others, so we got 6 Barred Rock pullets and 1 Barred Rock Rooster and we got 1 California White (hope its a pullet as well). 

Male Barred Rock
Female Barred Rock
California White
Female Barred Rock

Then of course we got home with everyone and put them all in the box together, so I don't have photos of all of them together in their separate boxes.  But then, a few hours after we got home, our first bantam chick hatched in the incubator!!! 

3 New Bantam Babies
7 Bantam Babies, waiting to see if more hatch.
Bantam Baby needs some TLC, has Spraddle Leg
With her splint on, it's the wrong size, so we had to do a different one.

Waiting to see if anymore bantam eggs hatch.  Have 3 or 4 more in the incubator along with 3 duck eggs that are not expected to hatch till next Saturday.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Precious Life

Well it's been a while, a LONG while!!

We have been busy with school, life and everything in between.

We finished up school last year in like mid-July and planned to start back in September, but my daughter had a bad accident and was in the hospital and rehab from September 3, 2015 to November 21, 2016.  It's a long road ahead, but she is doing great.

Week in ICU

Getting back to her old self.

So school had been put on hold for a bit and we finally got the 2015 - 2016 school year started in January.

We also found out in 2015 that Curtis DOES indeed have Dyslexia along with Dysgraphia, Dyspraxia and Dyscalculia.  I am really glad that we finally got a REAL diagnosis so that our county school administrators can understand why Curtis does not work at his grade level per his age.

Wow, what else happen in 2015???  A lot really, but those were the 2 main events. :)

Lets see, what else has been happening???

We started raising rabbits, a few different breeds basically.  We are raising a meat breed, New Zealand and Californian (they will be mixed) and then we raising a pet breed, Harlequin and Dutch mixed with Mini Lops and Rex, basically a mutt meat breed or pet. :)

These are the meat rabbit breeders: These were all FREE!!!!

Momma New Zealand White Doe

Sister 2 (Little Sister) New Zealand White Doe
Daddy (Buddy) Our New Zealand Buck

Sister 1 (Big Sister) New Zealand White Doe
Cali Our Californian Doe

Sister 3 (Little Bit) New Zealand Doe
We got our first 6 the weekend of Easter, actually the day before.  These were all free with cages, feeders, food, water bottles, everything.

Then we got 2 more with some bartering.  Got a momma Dutch and one of her offspring, a little buck that is Dutch and Harlequin mixed.  Then we got 2 more little does that are Dutch/Mini Lop and Rex mixed.  Can't wait for babies this spring.

Bunnicula Our Dutch/Harlequin Buck

All the Rages Dana "Cocoa" Dutch Doe

Tangerine Dutch/Mini Lop/Rex Doe

Cup Cake Dutch/Mini Lop/Rex Doe

Of course we ended up with one litter already from Momma and Buddy on 8/18/15, she had 7 kits and they were all wonderfully healthy.  We ended up keeping 3 of them.  Here is one of the babies.  They are 6 months old now.

This is Bow/Bo one of the 3 that we are keeping.
Let's see what the next few months bring. :)